
From dogmatism to illumination

Between Two Worlds is a reflective space where I examine my own spiritual journey: how I got here and where I am going to. My spirituality is most strongly informed by the Western Initiatic Tradition, including Freemasonry and Martinism, but also by my training and education as a PhD Physicist.

While it is clichéd to claim that there is no fundamental disagreement between science and faith, I believe that the agreement between the two is more profound than many say. The worldview shift that is needed to see this however, is considerable.

Reflections of a Mystic and Physicist

Several years ago I awakened from a multi-decade stretch as an intensely dogmatic atheist into a more balanced and loving mystical worldview. As time moves on from the earthquake of that awakening, I find myself becoming more attuned to similarities between the patterns and concepts lying behind fundamental physics and those found in mystical thought.

Insights into the Balance of Science and Spirit

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