Category: Personal

  • A New Year’s resolution

    A part of me knew for a while that I wasn’t in great shape. About five-to-ten years before I developed some pretty severe depression combined with anxiety and OCD. I knew that I had to reach out for professional help when I found thoughts of, well, let’s call it “the worst” popping into my head…

  • The freedom of a larger cage

    Freed from the stifling shackles of dogmatic Protestantism, my love for science could finally blossom. I could read all the “science for kids” books that came my way without feeling that they were a threat or that I needed to perform any mental gymnastics to make them match my worldview. Suddenly, free thinking was guilt-free.…

  • The pendulum swings

    “Jill and her sister have been taken into care”, said my sister. My mum stopped eating, fork halfway to her mouth. I could see the disbelief and the rage boiling up into her face. A refusal to believe what she had just heard combined with an ice-cold fury. “What!? What do you mean?, How do…

  • Stepping off the cliff

    We are all the sum total of all the paths we have trodden to get to this point. Our worldviews are loaded with baggage that we have gathered along the way. More often than we might admit, this baggage is invisible to us. It silently primes our reactions to insights and any new information that…